Getting Started

To get started with Spectro, we must first invite the Discord bot into the server.

Spectro is currently under closed beta.

Setting up Confession Channels

By default, Spectro is not configured to send anonymous confessions to any channel. To "set up" a channel for confessions, server moderators (i.e., any member with the Manage Channels permission) must invoke the /setup command with a target channel to which all confession logs will be sent.

Optionally, the label and the color of the confession embed may be configured. The color must be a valid RGB color hex code.

If prior approval is required before a confession may be published to a confession channel, the /setup command also has an approval flag, which configures whether submitted confessions should be put on hold before publication. By default, approval is false.

If a channel has already been set up for confessions, invoking /setup again will simply overwrite the non-empty arguments of the command invocation.

In summary, the following is a minimum checklist of required permissions and configurations for Spectro to properly publish confessions.

  • Spectro must have the Send Messages permission in the target channel in order to publish confessions.
    • Optionally, the Attach Files permission is required for sending attachments with the confession.
  • Spectro should have the Send Messages permission in the log channel in order to forward confession logs.
  • The server moderator setting up the channel must have the Manage Channels permission.

Submitting Confessions

Once a channel has been properly configured, any member with the Send Messages permission can now invoke the /confess command to publish an anonymous confession. To send an attachment along with the confession, the Attach Files permission is required.

All confessions are logged for moderation purposes.

Approving Confessions

For channels that require approval, submitted confessions first go through the configured log channel. While a confession is pending approval in the log channel, any server moderator with the Manage Messages permission can press the button or the button to moderate the confession.

Whenever a pending confession is published/deleted, Spectro logs the timestamp of the interaction and the user who triggered the action.

If a confession log message has been deleted, there is no way to recover that original message. This is especially consequential for pending confessions should these be accidentally deleted.

Replying to Confessions

Any member with the Send Messages permission can anonymously reply to any message in a confessions-enabled channel. Simply open the context menu on that message (i.e., right-click on desktop and press-and-hold on mobile) and then select the Apps > Reply Anonymously option. A modal with a text area input should pop up on the screen, where the anonymous reply can be drafted.

Attaching a file alongside a message reply is currently unsupported. This feature is blocked on Discord finally implementing file select inputs for modal submit components.

Resending Confessions

In the rare occasion when a confession message gets accidentally deleted, any user with the Manage Messages permission can /resend an already approved and published confession. The invoking user must be in the same channel that the confession was originally sent.

The Panic Button: Locking Down Channels

If the confessions get too heated, server moderators with the Manage Channels permission can press the panic button and temporarily disable confessions on a channel using the /lockdown command. All previous channel settings will be preserved.

To re-enable confessions, the /setup command can be invoked again. Note that the log channel is a required argument. The rest of the optional arguments (e.g., label, color, and approval) will be restored from the previous invocation of the /setup command.